Sqrxz 2 v1.10 for Windows!

One major complaint we had about Sqrxz 2 was: “We like the tunes made by Alexander Wiklund, but we are not able to go further to the next level!”. An important feature has been now added to Sqrxz 2… our all beloved Soundcheck-Option! Listen to all tunes, without playing throughout all levels!

The first updated platform is for Windows (32-Bit; should run on 64-Bit too) and here is the change log:

* v1.10 (January/2016)
– improved file system (old. zda files in /data can be deleted!)
– added soundcheck option
– added ability to change screen effects on the fly (system depending)
– added ability to change screen size without restarting (system depending)

Thanks to Lars Persson (AnotherGuest) making this update possible!

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